Terms & Conditions 条规 (Recurring Donation)

Auto Debit Selection of Debit/Credit Card Authorization for Recurring Donation:

1. The Recurring Donation is only available for credit/debit card payment.

2. Card transaction is processed every 25th of the month, successful transaction will be notified by Life Line Association Malaysia (LLAM) via email within 3 days after each transaction

3. The recurring transaction will stay in effect according the donation period that I have filled in (E.g: if I choose to donate for one year, Life Line Association Malaysia (LLAM) will inform about this service one year later).

4. If I choose to terminate this service, I agree to give a 15 days written notice or by submitting updated information.

5. I have confirmed the personal information above is correct and will be stated in the receipt issued.

6. All personal data will be protected, and donation will be proceeded by Life Line Association Malaysia (LLAM). I have refer to Privacy Policy and Donation Refund Policy for more details.

定期小额乐捐信用卡自动转账条规 :

1. 此定期小额乐捐仅限于信用卡自动转账。

2. 此服务将在每月的 25 号进行款项扣除,生命线协会行政处将会在每次的自动转账服务通过后的 3 天内透过邮件给予通知。

3. 此定期乐捐将会有效至本人在表格上填写的乐捐期限(例如:本人已选择乐捐一年,行政处将会在一年后告知此项乐捐服务)。

4. 若本人欲结束此乐捐服务,本人同意通知行政处并给予 15 天的时间处理。

5. 本人确认以上的捐款资料无误,并以此注明于收据上。

6. 本人同意个人资料将会由马来西亚生命线协会严谨保管,也接受乐捐条规。本人已查阅 Privacy Policy 和 Donation Refund Policy。